Sunday, April 6, 2008

beauty pagents....

hmmmm there goes yet another PFMI (ponds femina miss india ) 08' , theres so much of coverage being given to the three charming ladies(not that i deny they are not charming!) whats even more bizarre is how certain sections belive that this pagent is all about giving them (the fairer sex) equal opportunites and a platform to realize their talent . Seriously am yet to hear something as firvolous as this puh-lease i mean out there you have people saying or more like ranting breathlessly that this pagent is all about celebrating womanhood,talent and "true beauty"... whats ironic is that the so called 21st century woman , a woman who is "supposed" to be on par with men well it is nothing but mere eyewash , these young women are made to belive that they given this great platform to showcase their talent(am yet to figure out what this talent is??) that apart whats even more annoying is that there is this over glamourization of their feminity dude am a woman so what ??
well at least for me i strongly feel that this so called pagent subtly tries to reinforce the gender sterotypes , even the so called women centric questions asked are anything but that ,its more a Subconscious way of telling them that " well, yes i agree and even applaud you for coming this far but dearie your still a woman and thats about it"
whats even more frustating is to the 28 starved souls battling it out for some ridiculous titles like , "Miss sexy legs", "Miss top 10", phew!! personally as a woman i seriously find it very demeaning to have your body be judged in such a way ,and to those who think there is nothing wrong good for you , you could probably join the bandwagon next year .........


king of cochin said...

beauty pageants are basically similar to the slave markets of yore and the cattle markets of today. the living wares are exhibited, their various physical aspects are compared and later sold to butchers or slave drivers.
what is the real point of these pageants other than as a channel to expound the marketability of these women in a beauty industry as models or glam stars in movies???
anyway excellent blog, mon cherie, but does it reveal a tad jealousy??? he he he

krianan said...

tad jealousy lol!! watever happened to the good old ways of honestly expressing your views??