Saturday, March 17, 2007


as i sat watching the reflection of setting sun in the water , seeing darkness gently set in intially its the lighter hues that gradually becoming darker. The water as still as ever , indeed for a moment i felt it was the reflection of the current happenings of my life , that had filled it it with complete darkness &yes i had given up all hope . I didnt see a way out i felt so lost just then my thoughts were interrupted when i saw the water sparkling (due to the streetlights around), it was so beautiful and it had such a soothing effect on me, its then that i realised even through the darkest hour one cannot give up so easily afterall like another things this to shall pass its only momentary .as i walked back home that night i felt strangely less burdened , also suprisingly it didnt take me long to stand up tackle my problems .I didnt feel so helpless any more it helped take some of the decisions which proably i wouldnt have done other wise , all i now know that i am at peace something that ceased to be with me for so long finally i can say its the end to a very long day indeed