According to Charles Darwin, we all have evolved from the early apes to the current living beings we are today .In fact we have have empirical evidence to prove the fact that we have actually evolved .
Taking from this biological theory of evolution we have many social scientists and theorists who have applied the same perspective to various other social sciences i.e. used this theory of biological evolution to explain the social evolution of human species, they have tried to state that we all have evolved from the primitive to current stage of the civilized human being.
What’s really interesting to note then is that although we consider ourselves this superior species that are more civilized than the others, we certainly do not behave in a civilized manner, do we??
We have gone on to label or brand certain communities as primitive, savages, barbaric, backward (for e.g. the various tribal communities across the globe or even for that matter the third world nations) and we do take certain pride in calling ourselves the more modern civilized group from the rest (its been happening all along, all throughout history and its still continuing).
But what I seriously fail to understand is how do we really rate ourselves to be modern or the so called “civilized” is just because we are more techno savvy, given into the evils of industrialization and the chaotic process of urbanization that follows ? How do we really rate being modern on what barometers,does aping the western model of civilization mean we are more modern? For all you know the so called primitive societies may not follow our ways and means of modernization but does that really make them lesser civilized than us? That I doubt take a look around ,our modern ways of modernization doing us more harm than good look at the damage we doing to our environment (the freak weather changes, global warming …) and we just don’t seem to care instead we are producing nano cars which are to hit the markets soon.
That apart for all our talks on how very civilized we are , we indeed are more barbaric than the most so called primitive, savage societies what with wars ,violence ,riots ,crime all staring at us in our face .
Yet we take pride in calling ourselves civilized simply because we believe we are much more modern and developed from the rest , at a time when development is also the main cause of concern bringing along with it various other core issues like displacement ,poverty, hunger does just having a high GDP rate mean we really developed and is it then proof enough to say we are much more civilized ?
This trend is indeed alarming and its high time we take note before its to late ,yes we might have come a long way biologically (like Darwin says) but when it comes to socially speaking we still have a long way to go before we actually call ourselves evolved .